Our school believes in:
'Every student succeeding' and that 'Every day counts!'
Our School Vision:
Making connections, moving forward!
Slade Point State School has implemented the Australian Curriculum in English, Mathematics, Science, Phyiscal education, History and Geography. Staff will continue becoming familiar with the Australian Curriculum in other learning areas with full implementation of the Australian Curriculum in 2021. Teachers will continue to plan, teach and assess the remaining learning areas – SOSE, The Arts, LOTE and Technology, as part of our mandated Queensland curriculum.
Each class teacher shares their term focus with the parents/caregivers outlining the content and assessment for the term.
The Australian Curriculum
The Australian Curriculum website sets out the core knowledge, understanding, skills and general capabilities that are important for all Australian students.
High student achievement and engagement is our priority at our school. Teachers teach new content through an Explicit Instruction lesson. Teachers outline the curriculum intent and the expectations of the students in the lesson. This is delivered through an ‘I do’, ‘We do’ and ‘You do’ approach concluding with a 'Check for understanding' phase.
Teachers also use a range and balance of teaching approaches (including inquiry learning, play-based learning, project approach, event-based approach and direct teaching) based on their students’ age, ability and interests and the context and purpose of the learning experiences to develop a deep knowledge and understanding.
Differentiation and Learning Goals
As every child is different, teachers examine the student’s English and Maths data to determine the appropriate learning pathway for the student. This may include whole school and system data, teacher observations, report card comments, reading anecdotal records and information from parents. Each student’s goals are displayed in the classroom and students are aware of the steps needed to attain the goal.
(student – teacher – parent)
Our school values positive student-teacher-parent partnerships. This is achieved by all partners communicating in an effective manner to ensure that relationships grow and flourish for the benefit of each and every student. Parent information afternoons occur at the beginning of each year to begin the communication process and outline learning and behaviour expectations, as well as, general day-to-day routines.
Our school diary is used as a daily tool for our parents and teachers to communicate. School newletters and the QParents App keep our parents informed of class happenings. Formal parent teacher interviews are offered at the end of Term 1 and 3 with some teachers providing interim reports for those parents they have been unable to sit down with.
Curriculum classroom planning and our school expectations:
At Slade Point State School, all teachers will:
- * Recognise that C2C materials are a resource which interprets the Australian Curriculum;
- * Align teaching and learning with the intent of the Australian Curriculum by identifying the intent within the C2C unit plans with reference to:
the unit outline cross curriculum priorities
Assessment schedule differentiation
general capabilities teaching and learning sequence - Timetable must include set time allocation for each Learning Area in the weekly program as per Departmental policy.
- “Teach students not units” by pre-testing to identify entry points at the start of each unit, then planning for the learning needs of students (differentiation), making informed decisions about the content and sequence of the unit;
- Adapt or adopt the C2C assessment tasks and tools across year levels to ensure alignment of teaching, assessment and reporting;
- Display student friendly 'Know and Do' learning anchor charts with annotated samples of work reflecting the unit of study.
- Modify the teaching sequence to ensure scaffolding and transference of learning appropriate to each student, whilst retaining the intent of each unit;
- Make learning goals explicit to students (eg: WALT: We Are Learning To and WILF: What I’m Looking For)
- Provide and explain Task Sheets/Criteria Sheet/Exemplar at the beginning of a unit. Consider developing a criteria sheet that uses language appropriate to the age/stage of the student;
- Use the SPSS Pedagogical Framework to guide and implement the dimensions of teaching and learning required to effectively implement a unit of work;
- Use the Explicit Instruction lesson sequence to teach new content or revise existing content;
- Use the most effective teaching strategies and resources for each lesson;
- Meet and moderate with peers, maintaining the whole school assessment schedule and specific assessment tasks completed during the term.