Student behaviour
At Slade Point State School we use the Positive Behaviour For Learning program (PBL) to develop students who are responsible learners, respectful and safe. Through PBL, students are explicitly taught the positive behaviours that we expect them to demonstrate at school.
A designated positive behaviour is taught in every classroom, every week resulting in a whole school focus across the school.
Our expectations around positive student behaviour are clearly identified, helping create and maintain a positive and productive teaching and learning environment.
Students are rewarded for meeting our school’s positive behaviour expectations through a formal recognition rewards system which is designed to increase the quantity and quality of positive interactions between students and staff and between fellow students.
Our reward system consists of daily 'green tokens' being awarded for students demonstrating our three expectations of be a learner, be respectful and be safe. Additionally, students can be presented with a blue 'blitz card' for demonstrating the positive behaviour of the week.
'Green token' data is tracked individually and when students achieve their 25, 50,75 and 100 award levels they are suitably recognised on special parades with quality token badges to keep and end of term planned events.
More information regarding SWPBS and how the school develops responsibly behaved students can be found in the school's
Student Code of Conduct.